The RESYNTEX project will build a pilot plant to extract proteins, glucose, polyamide oligomers and PET monomers from residual textile waste. Our market study identified 9.35MT of textile waste being landfilled or incinerated in the EU and recommended the residual waste textiles most suited to the plant's input needs.
Read MoreThis study analysed existing food and drink labels and assessed the feasibility of developing EU Ecolabel criteria covering the whole life cycle of products in this sector. It recommended product groups which might be suitable for introduction, considering potential benefits and associated risks. We engaged producers, retailers, NGOs, policy makers and trade associations through multi-national on-line surveys, structured interviews and workshops to determine the response to various labels.
Read MoreWe took part in a FCO-sponsored mission to China in May 2016. The agenda included a Sino-UK Remanufacturing workshop, presenting to the World Remanufacturing Summit 2016 and meetings with senior Chinese Government officials.
Read MoreOur 2016 report for the NBF updates our 2014 report on the state of mattress recycling/re-use in the UK. It identifies why recent increases in recycling may not be sustained, and makes recommendations to promote and develop the sector.
Read MoreThis technical report looks at the uptake of environmental footprinting methods by over 80 UK businesses to see which - and how many - of the different methods they use, and to assess the costs and benefits of using them. It informs Defra policy at UK and European level.
Read MoreUK businesses find environmental footprinting useful, but our study finds scant evidence for the claimed benefits for cross-border trade. It's doubtful whether using a single method across the EC would cause greater resource efficiency than is already achieved. See also our technical report.
Read MoreThis preliminary report gathers data on remanufacturing across nine key sectors to calculate the current level of reman activity in EU member states in terms of economic value, numbers employed and approximate carbon benefits.
Read MoreThis in-depth analysis identifies factors affecting the European Parliament’s key priorities for the Horizon 2020 programme, as well as implementation bottlenecks. We recommend how better to implement existing measures.
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