Reinvention is defined as the revival of an abandoned idea or technology which has never been commercially implemented. Our report presents the results from our TSB/ESRC funded project 'The Reinvention of Technologies for Sustainability' in 2010.
Read MoreSelf-dispensing systems are commonplace in the UK, from manual systems such as Pick "n" Mix for confectionery products to automated self-service systems such as coffee vending machines, petrol filling stations and ATMs. The trial involved the development of an on-shelf automated self-dispensing machine that could be located in the retail aisle in supermarkets.
Read MoreThis provides a comprehensive overview of the methodology, supporting evidence and some worked examples. PART OF A FIVE PIECE SET OF FILES
Read MoreA series of case studies that use the methodology for valuing nano-enabled products relevant to Defra. PART OF A FIVE PIECE SET OF FILES
Read MoreCommissioned by Defra as part of the Sustainable Consumption and Products programme in support of EU Ecolabels and Green Public Procurement, we review technologies for achieving fire retardant properties in key product groups, and determine best practice for achieving appropriate safety standards with minimal environmental hazard and risk impact.
Read MoreThis Defra commissioned study investigates the costs and benefits of implementing a deposit return system (DRS) on packaging containers in the UK. The aim was to determine whether introducing a DRS would offer any benefits over the existing policy mix.
Read MoreThis 2010 report builds on the previous study to provide an updated snapshot of the amount and geographical distribution of food and packaging waste arising across FDF member sites along with how this waste is being managed. Data were gathered for both 2008 and 2009 from 149 manufacturing sites and, where appropriate, were also compared to the 2006 data from the previous report. A smaller sub sample of 115 sites providing data for all three years was analysed in order to identify trends.
Read MoreClothing has a relatively high environmental footprint. Measuring the size of an item of clothing's footprint, and assessing the major contributors to it, helps to understand - and to understand how to reduce - its impact on the environment. Here we review LCA studies for certain items of clothing.
Read MoreThis report reviews evidence of environmental damage caused by inappropriate management of used lubricating oil; provides an overview of the markets for used lubricating oil; reviews the market barriers and failures affecting some of the post-collection markets, and highlights the implications for public policy.
Read MoreWe investigate how the University of Cambridge Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy's novel lead paste recycling technology would compete with existing technologies. We look at the economic, environmental, carbon and energy savings against the costs of a pilot plant, and develop an international market entry strategy.
Read MoreThis guide is designed for non-economists to make less rigorous calculations of valuations. PART OF A FIVE PIECE SET OF FILES
Read MoreWRAP commissioned us to investigate the barriers and opportunities for the wider adoption of refillable glass beverage containers in the UK, as part of their primary objective of diverting waste (glass) from landfill. This report documents the findings from the study undertaken between January and May 2008.
Read MoreRare Earths are a group of metals which have many high-technology applications. The current generation of hybrid and electric vehicles and wind turbines uses substantial quantities of Rare Earth elements in the form of high-strength magnets and rechargeable batteries. The key Rare Earths used for these applications are neodymium, dysprosium and terbium (for the permanent magnets) and lanthanum (for the batteries).
Read MoreOur research builds on previous studies and data collected by WRAP to derive estimates of waste arisings in three key stages of the UK food & drink supply chain and links it with household waste. Our report identifies areas of greatest opportunity for cost savings, improved resource efficiencies and future interventions.
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